About Me


My name is not Elpidio Valdes, It’s just my pen name.

I started this blog simply as a tool to organize my thoughts and tons of research that I’ve gathered throughout the years.

I’m just a regular person, not too different from anyone one else, who’s pretty well-read and passionate about the issues that truly affect our everyday lives.

I’ve had a lot of schooling and payed great attention to the different subjects taught to me at different stages throughout my life. In college, thanks to a number of amazing and gifted educators, I went through a life-changing experience and never looked back. I realized that much of what we’ve been taught in school up to the university level is very biased and sometimes outright false.

Simply put: I woke up!

I hit the books even harder, gave away my TV (I haven’t watched that stuff in years), took part in various movements and here I am!

I honestly believe that if the people knew how the world truly worked and cared enough for each other, there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.

Revolution will come. It always has. What kind of revolution? That’s for the people to decide. I hope that it will be peaceful as I do not encourage the use of violence at anytime. Period.

I think it’s important that we all become participants in our social and political system and work to make a difference in the everyday lives of our human family. Given full information, ordinary people can govern themselves and live a truly free and peaceful existence.

This blog is just one of my ways of contributing something positive to the world we deserve.

Feel free to reach out, comment, etc. I’m always around and happy to chat and share my thoughts with anyone.

Thanks for visiting,

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13 responses to “About Me”

  1. Thank you.

  2. I say you’re more a being than a human. 🙂

    1. What must the Romanian priests do so that the country is not pushed into a devastating war for it with Russia? Thanks, gelu.

      1. Nothing. Russia is not going to war with Romania.

      2. This is a GREAT blog. As soon as I can find how, I’m gonna subscribe lol. Found you thru your article on Requiem for the America Dream

  3. I am delighted to have found your blog. I would really love to see you team up in a video interview with several people on YouTube & Twitter:

    Please consider this suggestion. I know your thoughts would be greatly valued and appreciated.

  4. I’ve posted a link on the Best Democracy group on FB: https://www.facebook.com/groups/bestdemocracy/ the Madison thread to be specific.

    You mentioned you’d be happy to chat. I appreciate and incorporate critical feedback into the web site and FB page.

  5. I’ve posted a link on the Best Democracy group on FB: https://www.facebook.com/groups/bestdemocracy/ the Madison thread to be specific.

    You mentioned you’d be happy to chat. I appreciate and incorporate critical feedback into the bestdemocracy.org web site and FB page.

  6. Having read your post on Plato I was delighted. I have only read about half of the Republic but was utterly appalled by it’s contents. The fact that I see so many around who wish to keep his ‘legacy’ going I find disturbing.The mass appeal of such slave moralities is of the greatest interest to myself and I am studying and writing on the subject myself. The desire for certainty and social praise by the ignorant appear to be the main motivations behind such decadent movements. I wish you all the best on your own path!

    1. Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang Avatar
      Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang

      Plato was worse than we think. Michael E. Hudson, the economics professor, cites Archytas promoting music theory to justify the social “harmony” of wealth inequality. How and Why? Hudson started out studying music theory and then switched to economics. So Math Professor Luigi Borzacchini has researched how Western science is secretly founded from music theory – a cover up Borzacchini calls “shocking” and “really astonishing” and a “deep pre-established disharmony” as the “guiding evoltive principle” of science.

      So Plato promoted logarithmic mathematics as “Alogon” music theory – meaning the Tyrant equals the Tritone and the people as citizens each 9/8 major 2nd music interval that must be compromised for the Good of the State. Musicology professor Erno Lendvai (The Pythagorean Plato) goes into this (and promotes it himself). So as Physics Professor Albert Bartlett has detailed – the problems of today are all due to misunderstanding the Exponential Function (the inverse of logarithms). Bartlett gave the SAME lecture over 1000 times – about how economic growth was a lie and would lead to the destruction of life on Earth.

      http://arctic-news.blogspot.com details how that destruction has now been locked in due to positive feedback cycles of Mother Nature – the East Siberian Arctic Shelf methane bomb for one and the Aerosol Masking Effect for another – each contributing 1 Degree Celsius increase in warming on immediate terms – in the near future.

      So to go back to Plato – the book “The Racial Contract” details how Plato promoted “natural law” as eugenics – based on the above wrong music theory (we’re all brainwashed to think that music is to be based on equal-tempered tuning as “harmony”). And so when Islam spread Platonic philosophy into Spain in the 9th century – Professor David F. Noble’s book “The Religion of Technology” goes into the details of what happened and its consequences – his follow up book “Myth of the Promised Land” gives more details. Noble refused to even use email – much less not watching television. haha.

  7. I just stumbled across your work looking up Paul Weyrich’s “Goo Goo Syndrome” and clicked your link rather than going right to the YouTube of him giving the speech. Much appreciated your thoughts, so clicked your 10-point summary of Chomsky’s film explaining how democracy is disappearing “in plain sight.”
    As a lifelong dem socialist I’ve long understood the GOP’s “long game,” and of late have often espoused my quick-and-dirty belief that the very rich, who clearly own the GOP, could care less about forms of government, as they generally prosper in all–including monarchies, oligarchies, dictatorships, and even democracies (willing to trade limits on their ability to amass wealth for stability). Which explains the “mysterious” recent (obvious!!) indifference of GOP “leaders” to a seditionist coup, and even the outright support of several for it.
    I look forward to reading more of your thoughts, and thank you for them.

  8. Thank you for the news. And I have another question if you don’t mind. What does it mean when you smell incense when you say prayers? Is it a deception from Satan?

    1. I only buy incense from Satanists. Hope that helps🙂

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